Food Plot Projects The Lincoln Branch has been preparing their annual food plot projects for both maintenance and establishing new projects. The Wagon Train SRA has had one mowing so far in 2020 and is looking phenomenal. The existing Conestoga…
Food Plot Projects The Lincoln Branch has been preparing their annual food plot projects for both maintenance and establishing new projects. The Wagon Train SRA has had one mowing so far in 2020 and is looking phenomenal. The existing Conestoga…
The Lincoln Branch 6th Annual Sportsmen’s Night was a huge success. A huge thanks to all of you that joined us at the Pla Mor Ballroom. With 300 people in attendance and 51 guns going out the door, it was…
Projects completed, multiple fall hunting seasons are now open and the weather is changing quickly. We’re in the best part of the year and it feels great! We really hope to see some pics from the field this year coming…