Busy Quarter
Here at the Big Game Conservation Association we have had a very busy quarter. The last couple of months have been filled with banquets, meetings, donations and a lot of volunteer involvement.
We just wrapped up our 3rd banquet of the year with the Association banquet in Howells. Last month we had our Northeast Branch banquet. Not to mention the Lincoln Branch banquet was in January. All banquets went great! Of course, we had phenomenal support from the community and volunteers to help make them a success. We are excited about the continued exposure into our local communities. In addition, we are looking forward to using the funds raised to help Nebraska’s big game populations.
We have also started the discussions that should lead us further into the future and allow us to have more of an impact on the Nebraska outdoors. The possibilities of starting other branch locations in different parts of the state are on top. We will soon start to gauge interest and find local leaders in some selected communities. This is done so we can continue to expand. As an organization that 100% of the benefits stay in Nebraska we are confident in what we offer as an organization and what our mission is as we continue into the future. And we will continue to look for people who agree with our mission to help expand our organizations influence across the state!
Article by: Brian Barry – AllState Agent, Gold Sponsor & Volunteer